My small flock of hens lays two dozen eggs a week on a DIY diet of whole grains and leafy greens.

Homemade chicken feed is not as expensive or complicated as you may have thought or been told. Luckily, it also turned out to be an economical decision and a benefit to my own diet.

The decision to feed a whole grain diet - versus a commercially formulated diet - is a personal one based on what I believe is best for my hens. (I’ve tried the entire lineup from the feed store.)

More than nine years ago, I started mixing my own soy-free, mostly organic, whole grain chicken feed, and it’s still the best feed I could possibly give my hens. Update: I also have a soy-free corn-free version of my homemade whole grain chicken feed! For easy formulating, download Garden Betty’s Chicken Feed Calculator to manage costs, calculate protein content, and custom mix your feed on the fly.