"By remembering it is a game and trying to be fun instead of sinister like all the junky games I play, Spy Fox 2: Some Assembly Required is more fun than the newest PC graphics card, an episode of Get Smart and the latest Bond movie, combined." "Kid testers were thoroughly absorbed in the adventure, and were determined to solve the mystery and win the game. "In a word, this game is scrumptious and it all fits together seamlessly with some crazy cut-scenes and lots of features".

The Mission: Find the hidden OFF switch, deactivate the dogbot and stop LeRoach in his robotic tracks. Instead, he hid the switch somewhere within the World's Fair. 's corrupt commander, Napoleon LeRoach, did not install an OFF switch on the dogbot. Y.) has devised a dogbot which will be unleashed upon the unsuspecting world. This time, Spy Corps' corrupt counterpart, the Society for Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling (S. The Plot: Once again, the world relies on Fox - Spy Fox, the suave secret agent who smoothly finesses his way through Spy Corps' toughest assignments.